Obviously if you’ve ever been on the Harlem Line you know that the tracks run alongside various bodies of water. An astute observer can see the Kensico Dam in Valhalla… And around the stations of Purdy’s through Katonah if you look out you will notice the Muscoot Reservoir. Over the summer I purchased a small row boat in order to go out on the reservoir. The DEP is actually rather strict what varieties of boat can go out, and where the boats must be kept.

My boat was assigned a spot up in Purdy’s, and it is named the Brazilian Nut. Train conductor Guy actually came up with the name, because the best I could come up with was Horizon, and I didn’t really like that much. Anyways, one afternoon I decided to row down to where I live in Goldens Bridge, which is about two and a half miles. The water runs parallel to the train tracks, so I watched all the trains go by. I also saw a rather large machine go by on the tracks, I think to clean the tracks. While I was rowing, closer to Goldens Bridge I saw some man near a tunnel, and the next time I looked, he had disappeared. A few weeks ago I decided to take my boat and investigate.

I found a random little tunnel, accessible only by boat, where you can sort of hide out, right under the railroad tracks. Honest to god though, I’d be really freaked out if I was under there when the diesel train going up to Wassaic went by. Hell, I was freaked out when there weren’t any trains going by, there were lots of spiders hanging out under there too. Here are a few pictures I took while investigating the tunnel.

Sadly, the days are too short for me to take the boat out after work, and most weekends I am busy, so I have retired it for the season. Next summer if you pass by Goldens Bridge and you see a little green rowboat out on the water, it may be me, sitting out and watching the trains go by.

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