Over the one-hundred-plus years Grand Central has stood on this Earth, it has played host and been a witness to so many important things. Whether it be a an introduction to the space age, the place from where men march off to war, the place where thousands of eyes watch history unfold, or the spot where we protest injustice, Grand Central has stood at the center of Manhattan in importance and influence. And while the event that took place here last month isn’t much in terms of history, it was most important to me. Grand Central, the venerable cathedral to transportation, was a cathedral of another sort on January 9th, as it hosted my wedding.

Although it could be argued that this site is just as much about me as it is about trains, I do try and avoid discussing too much about my personal life. And rightly so, lest you try to show up to my house unannounced (yep, it happened), or try and convince me that despite you being double my age we should totally be together because you have a big you-know-what (yeah, that happened too. This may also be why the demographic of female railfans is so tiny). Nonetheless, it was too difficult to not share some of the wonderful photos from a wedding in the Terminal. Grand Central is gorgeous, and certainly one hell of a great place to get married. Brilliant photo ops are everywhere, and I finally got to get the shot I had planned for years of someone looking out from the hidden window in the Tiffany glass clock (though I happened to be on the opposite side of the camera lens).

To view the entire gallery, click “read more” below. All of the photos were taken by Johnathon Henninger, with the exception of the final two by Carey Wagner, who was looking up at the clock tower from Park Avenue.

And yes, before you ask, the people wearing Metro-North uniforms are actually conductors (my pretend parents) who work on the Danbury branch and just got off a train!


40 Responses

  1. Al Cyone says:

    Congratulations! I wish you all the best.

  2. Thanks for sharing such a special moment with your many fans. Your photography is superb so it must’ve been hard to be on the ‘other side’ of the camera lens. All the best to you and your new husband.

  3. jpb says:

    Fantastic! Congratulations to both of you!

  4. Frank Keller says:

    Really enjoyed the photos, congratulations to you both

  5. William F. Loutrel says:

    All the best to you both. Thanks for sharing

  6. Marty Sterling says:

    Thank you so very much for sharing the photos of your special day. Best of luck to the both of you.

  7. How appropriate! I can see that you found a way to make your special day even more special. It certainly gives new meaning to the phrase “destination wedding!”

  8. rinkub says:

    I LOVE reading your blog and enjoying your pictures, as a fellow commuter it is always fun. These pictures were beautiful, even with you on the other side of the lens. Rinku @spicechronicles.

  9. Thanks so much for sharing the lovely photos! Congratulations and all the best to you and your husband!!

  10. Hank says:

    What a wonderful and happy experience, congratulations.

  11. adkjoe says:


    Congratulations to you and your husband. What a magnificent place to have your wedding, I absolutely love the photos. The clock one is spectacular to say the least. I miss working in GCT but I do get to visit at least once or twice a year. Cheers to you both!

  12. Mazel Tov!
    This is truly joyous and wonderful. So happy for you!

  13. Thank you for sharing, and best of luck to you both in the future!!

  14. Polly says:

    Congratulations from all of us at the New York Transit Museum, Emily!

  15. Emily,

    May your marriage be happy and be forever.

    While I’m here, I will apologize for the station name “Middletown – Town of Wallkill.” I lived in Middletown during the transition from the Erie Main Line to the Graham Line.


  16. Hank says:

    All the times I was in Grand Central during the ’40s and ’50s I never realized how large the Tiffany Clock was until you guys stuck your heads out of “6”…WOW. Thanks for great photos, especially that one. Your obviously fun wedding shows the start of a wonderful relationship….blessings.

  17. Steve says:

    Best wedding pictures ever! Loved your “attendants” – at least one of my favorite conductors (she was formerly an upper Harlem Line morning regular) there. Congratulations.

  18. Michael Napolitano says:

    Just saw this, Emily. Congratulations, and wish you the best of luck going forward!

  19. Steve Dunham says:

    Congratulations, and I wish you both much happiness. Thanks for sharing the photos with us.

  20. JoeMNR says:

    Congratulations Emily! That was very nice of Maria and Timmy to be there for all of the photos in GCT. Photography reminisces that of the infamous Ryan Brenizer. Exceptionally done.

  21. Jesse Birnbaum says:

    Congratulations Emily! Could not think of a better place to get married….

  22. Emily, your blog is keeping *me* up tonight! That photo of you and your husband looking out of the “6” window in the GCT clock… BEST WEDDING PHOTO EVER!

  23. Suzanne says:

    Hey there, I am so happy to have stumbled upon your blog! Your photos wonderfully capture the spirit of riding. The pictures from Mongolia made me swell with wanderlust! And you had my dream wedding ceremony haha. My fiancé and I would love to get married in Grand Central Terminal, but I’m having a hard time finding information on the legal details. We don’t want to host an event, just stand in the middle of the terminal surrounded by forty of our loved ones, hold a five to seven minute ceremony, take a few photos, then leave. Your photos in the Tiffany clock and on the platform are ridiculously cool, and I’m not expecting access to anything like that, just the standard classic shots. This may be a long shot, but do you have any idea where I could find this information, or maybe the title of someone I should ask for when I call or visit?
    I am extremely looking forward to perusing more of your blog and future posts!

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