If you believe the Pennsylvania Railroad, Santa Claus visits all the good boys and girls while they are asleep tonight, even if they happen to be in a railroad sleeping car. Does that make conductors and trainmen Santa’s helpers?

And if you don’t believe the Pennsy, it looks like the Central seems to think that Santa will take a visit to all the overnight trains tonight. So who are we to disagree?

Wishing all readers of I Ride The Harlem Line, whoever you are, if you’re still out there despite my lack of posting for the past few years, a very happy holiday and new year.

3 Responses

  1. Tom in Pough. says:

    And happy holidays to you too, Emily. It’s a pleasure to see you back.

  2. Chuck Weinstock says:

    Glad to see you back. Happy Holidays!

  3. Steve Ember says:

    Thanks for these richly nostalgic images, Emily. They make one want to believe in time machines – especially this year.
    Happy Holidays to you and yours.

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