6 Responses

  1. Ogre Backwash says:

    Awesome research. I had no idea of NYC employee sponsorship. I continue to be impressed by the initiative and hard work of that generation of Americans, my parents generation. The B26 was very good aircraft but required better than average piloting skills due to characteristics inherent in high performance twin engine craft. With it’s short wing span it had unique glide characteristics and was extremely responsive.
    January 1, 1945 was the middle of the last German offensive strike in the west (Battle of the Bulge) and the outcome was still to be determined. Execution of crew members shows the impunity of the Nazis. Further ass-whipping would be required.

    • uncleurnie says:

      If one of the crew members was held for over a year in a prison camp and the missing crew report is dated November 1944, I believe the 1945 date is a typo. January 1944 would have been well before the landings at Normandy.

  2. Teresa Venglar Orr says:

    my father was John D Venglar of the NYCentral II

  3. Ian Rankin says:

    The train nose art was a squadron addition. The ‘loads’ on the cars were tally markings. Normally a mark would be added after every mission.

  4. Gary Johnson says:

    my father (Horace Johnson) was on the new york central bomber as a gunner, any info or pictures would be appropriated

  5. Gary Johnson says:

    appreciated, sorry auto spell

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